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Online Form Creation with E-signature - for Every Organization

Benefits of e-signatures

Benefits of e-signatures

Did you know that 307 million people in the United States use the internet? It’s how we live and how we do business. However, many people are stuck using paper when it comes time to get something signed. Leases, employee forms, agreements, and contracts are just some of the documents people are still doing the old-fashioned way, Switching to paperless forms for contracts, agreements, and registration has many benefits. One of these are the benefits of e-signatures. If you’ve been thinking about integrating e-signatures for processes in your organization, then read on.

More Secure

With bank level encryption and authentication methods, using paperless forms to get contracts and agreements signed is more secure than paper. Paper can be lost and copied very easily. But when an e-signature is on a form that you control access to, you can feel safe knowing your document is secure. And if you are wondering whether e-signatures are legal - yes, they are legally binding!

Easier Data Management

Building an online form with e-signature means easier data management than the old paper method. Data can be accessed from anywhere in the world, and from any device - laptop, tablet, or phone. Free yourself from the pile of papers waiting to be filed. And never again dig through drawers looking for an important document.

More Accessible

Geography and time are no barriers to business when using digital forms. No coordinating a delivery during office hours, or waiting on documents to arrive. With digital forms, important contracts are more accessible. A benefit of e-signatures with paperless forms is that contracts can be signed anywhere, at any time.

Process Automation

E-signatures can be part of a streamlined digital process. As soon as one department or individual signs, it can be shared to the next department. Or, using API integration, collecting an e-signature can trigger another step in a process. Automating procedures in this way saves on time and money.

Overall, there are many benefits of e-signatures. For a small business, non-profit charity, community or sports organizations can all gain from making the switch to paperless forms and e-signatures. These include more security and accessibility, easier data management, and the efficiency of process automation. To start using our easy to use form builder, start with our free forever plan!